Credits and license

Credits and license#

The sections chapter discussions and problem set solutions supplement the digital logic course by Clint Cole which is licensed as CC BY-SA 4.0. For some of the problem/project solutions I copied the problem text to aid the understanding of the solutions. The discussion questions and solutions were all written by me.

The course by Cole does not use SystemVerilog so I added discussion questions which augment the compact introduction to SystemVerilog by Zachary Yedida.

The FPGA history is based on the video assay of @Asionometry.

The infrastructure uses Sphinx along with many community contributed templates and plugins like book theme, sphinx-design, sphinx-wavedrom and sphinx-exercise.

The waveforms are based on WaveDrom and WaveDromPy.

The logo: © Pedant01 / CC BY-SA 3.0 (via Wikimedia Commons)

Creative Commons License
My work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.